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.:: friends ::.
[x] Sandra =0))
[x] Ai ling
[x] Carolinaa
[x] Clarissa
[x] cheryl
[x] Fiona
[x] Iris
[x] joan
[x] JESS
[x] Lou Lin
[x] Pearline
[x] Sin ee
[x] Tze Choong
[x] wee siang

[x] weili
[x] Wendy cow
[x] Zi Hui
[x] OPHIX!
[x] JOannaOPHIX
[x] ameliaOPHIX
[x] Mei kwanOPHIX
[x] CherylOPHIX
[x] giovannaOPHIX


Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Alright guys, I am shifting to http://xedret.wordpress.com/ !

Do relink me.
However, i wont close this blog as if i am not comfortable with wordpress,
i will be back! ((((:


Brought to you by Xed. =)

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The whole day was okay, slack with my friends all the way until 5 plus then to study? haha well, although its a short session.

Nothing much more but got a surprise, thanks ah (: hahas.. =s

Feel so tempted to hop to wordpress or livejournal simply because of this blog is too messy, I felt.

I felt bad...
but just don't ask me why.

Brought to you by Xed. =)

Saturday, December 1, 2007


Come on ppl, let's celebrate with me! hahahs.
Alright, finally a heavy heavy stress is down.
Well, hell is not over for me yet.
Up coming projects are already on my way here and term test is like 1 week away.

I still have not find any life, i need some!
Any kind souls out there, please give me some!

Found this book at Ihub on wed!
maybe some of you all might need it.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

And i am being so blur this 2 days. Is it because of overly stress?
I pack my bag, wanted to put Ccomm book in my bag, but when i reach class, i found out its actually computer gaming!
i head to sch without packing my bag and i noticed it only when i am reaching sch! all the books i brought is useless.
I set wrong alarm. 845 am i set to 845pm! AHHHH OMG!!!

What is happen to me.
well, maybe its signs of becoming the greatest human in the world! =X lol

Brought to you by Xed. =)

Friday, November 30, 2007

My final day to clear my MP.
Final presentation and everything will be clear. hahas
well, of cus projects will be coming very soon after i clear them and as well as term test too.

Wish me luck ppl. (:

Brought to you by Xed. =)

.:: WishList~ ::.
New Desktop
Manutd Jersey 10 (Rooney's)
New shoe
PSP Slim
NEW her =s
.:: Message Board ::.


APPLE IPHONE (UNLOCKED) IN SG! Contact me for more details (: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

.:: past ::.